Agency News

News submissions from our agencies and organizations.

AJA 50+ goes Zoom!

By Eric Vernon, AJA 50+

For connection in the age of COVID-19, quarantine crowds everywhere have been turning in droves to Zoom. The now-ubiquitous conferencing app is powering everything from family gatherings and business meetings to book clubs, choirs and religious services.

Added to th…

Jewish Memorial Gardens: COVID-19 Update

Message on behalf of Jonathan Freedman, Leader of the COVID-19 Response Team and Jewish Memorial Gardens Past-Chair  

Under provincial legislation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals have been instructed to have the removal transfer of the deceased within one hour of death, and …

Temple Israel volunteers sew masks for members in need

By Louise Rachlis for Temple Israel Ottawa

Switching from sewing baby quilts to sewing masks, Patsy Royer and Merle Haltrecht-Matte of Temple Israel Ottawa have been filling a community need.

Early in this time of social distancing, Patsy, an avid sewer, had begun trying out different patt…

Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation acknowledges fund donations

The Board of Directors of the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation acknowledges with thanks contributions to the following funds as of March 17–April 20, 2020

Join us in building our community by supporting these local funds





In Memor…

Torah Day School of Ottawa providing daily lessons for 100 students

By Rabbi Boruch Perton, Head of School, Torah Day School of Ottawa

On March 15, Torah Day School of Ottawa (TDSO), notified parents that it was temporarily closing its doors due to COVID-19. Within 48 hours, TDSO switched to an e-learning model for all students from kindergarten to Grade 8 …