Agency News

News submissions from our agencies and organizations.

Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation acknowledges fund donations

The Board of Directors of the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation acknowledges with thanks contributions to the following funds as of October 1-October 31, 2020






Condolences to:

Martin and Ellie Black and family by Shelley Rothman

LT. C…

Presenting Holocaust Education Month during a pandemic

By Sheila Hurtig Robertson for Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship

In these uncertain times, adaptability is critical. Such was the challenge facing the Ottawa-based Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES). Since 2015, CHES has been bringing year-round Holocaust edu…

What’s happening at the SJCC

By Pamela Rosenberg, Soloway Jewish Community Centre

The Soloway Jewish Community Centre (SJCC) may be quiet on the surface but plenty of interesting virtual programs are keeping community members engaged and connected to what continues to be the centre of Jewish life in Ottawa.

November i…

Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation acknowledges fund donations

The Board of Directors of the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation acknowledges with thanks contributions to the following funds as of September 1-September 30, 2020






In Memory of:

Sarah Abrahamson and her brother Roy Abrahamson by Carol Kirsh


Holocaust education petition addresses antisemitism

By Sheila Hurtig Robertson, CHES Committee Member

Art Leader, the son of Holocaust survivors and a member of the Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES), was alarmed, and with reason.

In 2019, statistics reported by B’nai Brith Canada revealed that, for the fourth year in a…