Jewish Ottawa

Local news and updates on the Jewish community of Ottawa.

MicroGRANTS needs YOU to apply…

Do you have a new and creative idea to connect people, actualize tikkun olam, and engage more people in Jewish life in Ottawa?
Since 2019, the Jewish Federation of Ottawa has been offering microGRANTS to help community members bring their ideas to life. To date, Federation has allocated…

A cook sometimes reveals their secret: Rosh Hashanah cooking traditions

As we approach Rosh Hashanah, many in the community are busy inviting family and friends, cooking, preparing spiritually, and buying new clothes. For some, this is a chance to find inspiration from the past; not the biblical past, but the more recent past. What sources inspire the recipes we…

Welcome to New Hillel Ottawa Staff

“Your Jewish home away from home.” 

That is the motto of Hillel Ottawa, an organization that is part of an international network of Hillels that support Jewish students on college and university campuses around the world. In Ottawa, Hillel primarily works with students at the Universit…

Tu B’Av – The Jewish day for love

Did you know Jews have our version of Valentine’s Day? This year Tu B’Av, the Jewish holiday for love took place on August 2nd. This is an important day for our community with ancient roots, deep meaning, and modern application.

Since the Second Temple times, Jews have had the holiday o…

What does the Jewish Federation of Ottawa do?

If you were asked “What does Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto do?”, the answer would be easy. They help sick kids. Their mission and agenda is laid out in their title. When asked what the Jewish Federation of Ottawa does, the answer requires a little more information, but the impact is no …