Jewish Ottawa

Local news and updates on the Jewish community of Ottawa.

Educate away the hate: The Holocaust presented for public school educators

Jasmine Kranat grew up in London, England, and attended a Jewish Day School. For her the Holocaust was humanized and she had a deep connection to survivors, the history, and the impacts of antisemitism. This became further cemented when she was the victim of an antisemitic attack and was phy…

Stronger Together: A 90-year journey of celebrating Jewish life in Ottawa

This year marks the 90th anniversary of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa. To celebrate this milestone, the Federation is undertaking several year-long initiatives. Among these will be monthly articles about our history; columns from past Board chairs and leaders sharing their unique perspecti…

Antisemitism and student support at the school board

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Jewish Equity Coach Brian Kom, provides an update on his work.

Brian Kom is just finishing up his first six months as the Jewish Equity Coach for the OCDSB. He never expected he would have to deal with a marked increase of antisemitism after the attacks…

Why bake challah when there’s a crisis?

Since October 7, there have been no less than 20 challah bakes in our community.  Hundreds have come out to bake this bread, to pray for hostages, and to connect.  But why? What makes this Jewish practice the go-to event in times of crisis and when extra prayers are needed?
The answer…

Talking to children about the war in Israel

This is a difficult time for everyone. Israel is under attack in the most brutal way. But what makes this even tougher is that we all have children to care for, to protect, and to reassure.
The Jewish Federation of Ottawa wants to provide you with some resources for talking to your childr…