Foundation News

News and updates about the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation and the Annual Campaign, the funding drive that fuels our community.

EG chairs hope to strengthen bonds, engage broader community

The Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s Emerging Generation Campaign team of co-chairs is looking forward to building connections, and engaging this demographic of community members in the upcoming year. 

Samantha Sigler and Shlomi Barkan, and new co-chair Jared Jenicek, are excited about meet…

A Campaign of pivots and gratitude

By Yudit Simmons

My first Annual Campaign with Jewish Federation of Ottawa has been an incredibly meaningful experience. As I reflect on my first year in Ottawa, I am impressed beyond words with the strong community presence that has been the catalyst of success for this year’s Campaign. …

Community coming together

Campaign event speakers share powerful messages of unity

Last week's Annual Campaign event, Raise your Voice for CommUNITY, combined musical entertainment and the message that our community can do amazing things when we work together.

The Jewish Federation of Ottawa spoke with volunteers a…

Canvassers share energy, optimism in efforts to support Jewish Ottawa

Are you waiting for the phone to ring, or are you the one dialing out? This fall about 160 general canvassers are lighting up phone lines as they reach out to both new and established donors who show their generosity in support of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s 2022 Annual Campaign.


Giving back to community and how Federation is “here for good”

By Josh Engel

Karen Palayew and I were asked recently “why are we volunteering our time to lead the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s Annual Campaign?” We both thought about our reasons and struggled for days to answer what seemed to be a straightforward question. In the end, it is simple…