Foundation News

News and updates about the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation and the Annual Campaign, the funding drive that fuels our community.

Foundation supports our Jewish needs now, into the future

By Micah Garten
The war in Israel and the current rise in antisemitism reminds us how uncertain the world can be. In Jewish Ottawa, we are fortunate that during challenging times, donors step up to address special unforeseen need. However, there is also the ongoing “regular” needs f…

What does Campaign 2023 have in store?

In the last edition of the E-Bulletin, we outlined the numerous and varied roles that the Jewish Federation of Ottawa plays in our community. We hope you had a chance to read it. Now that September is upon us, the Federation embarks on its Annual Campaign to raise the funds needed to support…

Gary Viner steps into Annual Campaign co-chair role for 2024

The Jewish Federation of Ottawa is excited to welcome Gary Viner, an outstanding community leader, to the helm of the Annual Campaign for 2024 where he will volunteer alongside current co-chair Evelyn Silverman as outgoing co-chair Josh Engel ends his two-year term.

An Ottawa native, and Un…

Matching campaign motivates, inspires community

The 2023 Annual Campaign has received a generous influx of support aimed to boost donations from an anonymous donor, who will be matching all new gifts and any pledge increases up to $10,000 starting today as part of a special one-week funding drive.

“While donors have so far been genero…

And now we go forward: Annual Campaign 2023

The challenges have kept coming. From lockdown to reopening; from conflict in Israel to war in Ukraine; from economic pressures to rising inflation; from certainty to uncertainty again. 

Through days that tested our resolve, we did not waiver. And now we head into our Annual Campaign season…