Black History Month Information and Resources

February is Black History Month, a time to reflect on and celebrate the many contributions of Black Canadians to our society and beyond. In this article, we share resources that explore the intersection of Black and Jewish identities and highlight ways to engage locally and nationally in honouring this important month.

Article from the CEO of the Jews of Colour Initiative
In this article, Ilana Kaufman, the CEO of the Jews of Colour Initiative, touches on how the global Jewish population is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse, as nearly 15 per cent of young Jewish adults in the United States identify as people of colour. Many Jews have intersectional identities, meaning that they have their Jewish identity, while also holding other identity (or identities). Read more

Canadian Heritage's Black History Month Webpage
Canadian Heritage, a department of the federal government, has made a webpage for all information pertaining to Black History Month and what it means for Canadians, including a toolkit, where educators, social media managers, and others can find booklets and assets to help amplify Black stories. Other information on the webpage includes how to address anti-Black racism, significant events in Black Canadian history, and the legacy of organizations led by Black women in Canada. Read more

Black History Ottawa
For people interested in getting involved locally, Black History Ottawa is an organization that works to advance the public's knowledge and appreciation of the traditions and achievements of Black Canadians. Under the "Black History Month 2025" tab, there is a list of events occurring throughout this month that will provide an opportunity to learn and grow from members of our community. Read more

The Braid Stories – Hamantaschen Like No Other!
Enjoy this fun video of a diverse Jewish family's tradition of making hamantaschen at Purim. There are many unique ways in which one can have a Jewish family, and the intersection of cultures and practices seen in this video are a beautiful example. Watch here