Rosh Hashanah is a special holiday filled with tradition, from the sound of the shofar to the taste of honey-dipped apples to the traditions that each family incorporates into their festive meals. In this collection, we asked school children to share their favorite things about Rosh Hashanah. Their responses are a beautiful reminder of how traditions come alive through the eyes of the next generation, full of sweetness, joy, and charm.
The students at Torah Day School of Ottawa (TDSO) had a lot to say about what Rosh Hashanah means to them or to what they are most looking forward.
It was clear that the apples, honey, and other traditional foods are clear favourites!
“eating apples and honey and pomegranates,” Devorah, Grade 2
“apples and honey,” Roni, Grade 2
“apples and honey and raisin challah,” Mattisyahu, Grade 2
“getting new clothes and dipping apples in honey,” Eliyahu, Grade 2
“hearing the shofar,” Yosef, Grade 2
“making a card for my family,” Lielle, SK
“My favorite part is eating apple and challah and rimon (pomegranate) and gezer (carrot ) and honey and hearing the shofar.” Shlomo, SK
“My favorite part is eating special food and blowing shofar.” Elisha, SK
“dipping the apple in honey,” Zusha, SK
“My favorite part is dipping all the special foods (simanim) in honey.” Eli, SK
“I look forward to having a new fruit on Rosh Hashanah.” Levi, Grade 3
“Everything about Rosh Hashanah is good,” Motti, Grade 3
“I like eating apples and honey.” Talia, Grade 3
The students at the Ottawa Jewish Community School (OJCS) reminisced about their favourite activities related to the holiday. Family was clearly very important to them.
“My favorite food on Rosh Hashanah is an apple, honey and challah sandwich. Whenever I eat it, it reminds me of my childhood and all the fun memories of Rosh Hashanah. When I think of Rosh Hashana it reminds me of a new beginning and fall. My favourite thing to do in shul are all the special activities that they plan for the new year.” Noa. Grade 8
“Rosh Hashanah means to be grateful for what I have and spend time with my family. I enjoy reflecting on the past year and the coming year. My favourite thing is eating apples with honey and pomegranate seeds.” Zohar Grade 8.
"On Rosh Hashanah my family and I go to Montreal we eat really good lamb.” Anonymous, Grade 5
"seeing family, the start of a year and to have a sweet new year." Kayla, Grade 5.
"When I hear the words Rosh Hashanah, I think about spending time with my friends and family. My favorite part of the holiday is blowing the Shofar." Ella, Grade 5
Our community’s children understand what is important during Rosh Hashanah. They love the people, the smells, the tastes, and they love being together. We hope that reading what is valued by the next generation will help you to have a meaningful Rosh Hashanah.
Shana Tova! Happy New Year!